Hittade en gratis template hos
http://flamingo-amanda.blogspot.com/. Jag har
alltid trott att det är busenkelt att använda dessa, men icke sa Nicke.
Eller kanske gjorde jag fel? Jag trodde att man bara skulle smäcka dit
fotona och så var allt klart, men så var det inte. Man gjorde ju som
vanligt. Enda skillnaden var att allt var förutbestämt, dvs vilket papper
och annat jox man använde i layouten.
Bilden föreställer Ida som äter en gammal halstablett. Uttrycket säger väl
allt om vad hon tyckte om det?
I found a free template at http://flamingo-amanda.blogspot.com/. I have
always thought that it would be dead easy to use these, but it wasn't. Or
maybe I didn't know how to do it? I thought you just had to put the photos
in and then it would be finished, but not so. Instead of having just one
finished page and adding the photos, it was just like I have always done.
All the elements were on different files so there was a lot of opening and
copying going on. It wasn't a time efficient way to scrap as I thought it
would be. Instead the benefit was that there was already a finished design
to the layout. You knew what elements to use and how to put them.
The photo shows Ida who is eating an old candy. Her face says all about what
she thought about it.