I have joined a sewing club that Päivi has. Our first pattern was to make a table runner and below is my try. It didn't matter what I did, my runner did not look like Päivis.
Ovanför har löparen blivit som den ska. Det visade sig att jag inte fattade hur man skulle skära blocken och därför blev det inte som det skulle. Jag fick åka hem till Pävi, med tyger, linjal och rullkniv och hon fick visa mig hur det skulle skäras.
Here you can see the runner looking like it should. It turned out I had no clue on how to cut it and that was the reason my didn't turn out the way it should. I had to drive home to Pävi, with my cloth and everything so she could teaach me how to cut at a 45 degree angle.
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