samt en mössa till Ninni.
Here is another crocheted doily. Now I am knitting a shawl and a hat for
Here is another crocheted doily. Now I am knitting a shawl and a hat for
Jag skriver ut foton så jag kan scrappa och pappret är av så dålig kvalite.
I am printing out photos so I can scrap. And the paper is such poor quality.
Imorgon ska vi till Västerås. Pelle har blivit erbjuden en studentlägenhet och vi ska åka och titta på den.
Tomorrow we are off to Västerås. Pelle has been offered a studentapartment and we are off to take a look.
Jag är för kort för att stå i klacken. Inte en enda människa sitter ner – ALLA står upp, så jag fick gå högre och högre upp för att kunna se matchen.
Vilken match!!! DIF ledde med 1-0, men sen när Mackan blev utvisad så var det kört. Spelet som hade varit bra bara rasade. Slutade med vinst till HIF med 2-1.
Var på rugby under lördagen. Har alltid varit sugen men inte kommit iväg och nu när det var turnering så åkte jag!
Det var lite ingredienser jag saknade för att det skulle ha blivit perfekt:
- Information om regler, poängsättning, domartecken med mera
- Information om vilka som spelar på planerna (fanns uppsatt vid admin, men ingen information vid pitchen)
- Speaker
Om det hade funnits så hade det nog varit roligare.
Men det bästa kom när jag åkte tillbaks på kvällen med Sanna, Sandra och Ninni för att se på tri-nations mellan Nya Zealand och Australien.
Hahaha!! Det var en match som visades på tv och ingen annanstans! Suck – vi åt i alla fall gott!
I finally had time to go and pick up my package. It has been waiting at the store, since I have been on holiday but now I have it and it has been opened. Photos are soon coming, but let me tell you that I have goosebumps all over me after opening it.
It is a long time since I crocheted something, but now I have made a doily.
Photos from London on 12th July. I am doing a layout titled Litter and is
inspired of Krisses search for somewhere to throw litter.
1. When Hagrid returns to Hogwarts after being sent to see the giants with Madame Maxime, Professor Umbridge questions him on his late return to school. She suspects that Hagrid had been to the mountains, but where does he tell her he has been?
a. Europa
b. Fiji
c North America
d. South of France
2. Professor Umbridge comes to Hagrid's Hut and searches his cabin one evening (as she believes Harry, Ron and Hermione are there visiting him at night when they are not supposed to). When she walks past the place where Harry, Ron and Hermione are hiding under the Invisibility Cloak, Harry holds his breath. True or false?
a. True
b. False
3. A stately-looking witch in an emerald green shawl is one of the members of the Advance Guard who rescues Harry from Privet Drive. What is her name?
a. Emmeline Vance
b. Dorcas Meadowes
c. Amelia Susan Bones
d. Bellatrix Regulax
4. What is the name of the witch who was killed two weeks after the photo of the original Order of the Phoenix was taken?
a. Alice Longbottom
b. Marlene McKinnon
c. Emma Fenwick
d. Dorcas Meadowes
5. Which two fifth year Ravenclaw students does Dumbledore choose to be prefects?
a. Terry Boot and Mandy Brocklehurst
b. Luna Lovegood and Ernie Macmillan
c. Cho Chang and Michael Corner
d. Anthony Goldstein and Padma Patil
6. Which house was Rose Zeller sorted into?
a. Gryffindor
b. Slytherin
c. Ravenclaw
d. Hufflepuff
7. What is the color of Murtlap's essence?
a. Pink
b. Peach
c. Yellow
d. It is transparent
8. Name the Ravenclaw girl who became prefect in Harry's fifth year.
a. Hannah Abott
b. Padma Patil
c. Luna Lovegood
d. Marietta Edgecombe
9. According to a healer's portrait at St. Mungo's hospital, which disease was Ron suffering from?
a. Splattergroit
b. Splittygrot
c. Spottygroit
d. Spattergroit
10. Which book did Harry give Hermione for Christmas?
a. "New Theory of Numberology"
b. "A Compendium of Common Curses and their Counter-Actions"
c. "Acheivements in Charming"
d. "Moste Potente Potions"
Picture Scavenger Hunt
Padma Patil
Hannah Abott
Dumbledore's Army
Cedric Diggory
(Extra 5 pts - What movie will Robert Patterson star in this December?)
På en bild står Ninni och pekar på en ruta. Jag har tagit kort på den
knottriga sanden som hon undrade över. Jag tror det beror på att det har
regnat - vad tror du?
This is from Greenhöj, just below Lökken on the map. This is where we will
be staying two nights. The apartment is not special, so I am sending you
photos from the beach instead. Ninni and I took a walk. It lies 500 m from
our apartmet.
On one of the photos Ninni is pointing at a square she made. I took a photo
of it, because she wanted to show how the sand looked like. I think it
looked that way due to raindrops, do you have any other suggestions?